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Regression vs. Classification: Fundamental Concept

In machine learning, two fundamental tasks are regression and classification. While both involve making predictions based on data, the nature of the predictions and the underlying problems they address are quite different. Understanding the distinction between regression and classification is crucial for choosing the right approach and achieving accurate results.

What is Regression?

Regression is a machine learning technique to predict a continuous, numerical value. In other words, the output of a regression model is a real number that can take on any value within a specific range.

For example, consider the task of predicting a house's sale price based on its size, location, and other features. The sale price can be any number within a wide range, making this a regression problem. Other typical regression applications include predicting stock prices, estimating product demand, and forecasting energy consumption.

In below picture, the Goal is to obtain a relationship (model) between outside air temperature and ice cream sales revenue. Simply you need to find “m” and “b”.

This “trained” model can be later used to predict any Revenue (dollars) based on the outside air Temperature. Which is the example of Regression.

Regression to Predict Continuous variable

What is Classification?

On the other hand, classification is a machine learning technique used to predict a discrete, categorical value. The output of a classification model is a label or class from a predefined set of possibilities.

For instance, imagine a scenario where you want to classify an email as either "spam" or "not spam." In this case, the output is limited to one of two categories or classes. Other examples of classification problems include image recognition (identifying objects in an image), sentiment analysis (classifying text as positive or negative), and disease diagnosis (classifying a patient as healthy or diseased based on symptoms).

In the picture below, the Threshold is set to 0.5. Using logistic regression, which is actually a classification algorithm, we can decide whether the student will pass or fail based on one feature: "HOURS OF STUDYING."

Logistic regression (Classification)

Key Differences

The primary distinction between regression and classification lies in the type of output they produce:

  • Output Type: Regression models predict a continuous, numerical value, while classification models predict a discrete, categorical label or class.

  • Problem Nature: Regression problems estimate or predict a quantity, while classification problems involve assigning items to one of several predefined categories.

  • Evaluation Metrics: Regression models are typically evaluated using metrics like mean squared error or R-squared, while classification models are evaluated using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

Choosing Between Regression and Classification

When faced with a new problem, the choice between regression and classification depends on the nature of the output you want to predict.

If the output is a continuous, numerical value (e.g., house prices, stock prices, or temperature forecasts), then you should use a regression approach.

However, a classification approach is more suitable if the output is a discrete, categorical value from a predefined set (e.g., email classification, image recognition, or disease diagnosis).

It is important to note that some problems can be framed as either regression or classification, depending on the specific requirements and desired output. For example, predicting a customer's age could be treated as a regression problem (predicting the exact age) or a classification problem (categorizing age into predefined ranges or groups).

Regression and classification are two fundamental machine-learning tasks that serve different purposes. Regression is used to predict continuous, numerical values, while classification is used to predict discrete, categorical labels or classes. By understanding the distinction between these two approaches, you can choose the appropriate technique for your specific problem and achieve more accurate and meaningful results.


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